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Welcome to my new blog! Here I will be documenting the...

.... 40-year old juvenalia of my nominally unique life!  As this is a blog, let me go on at some length about myself and sling mud about those I lack the courage to confront in real life and otherwise reward you with jewel-like phrase that you can turn around and use to make yourself sound important, creative and clever!  1) off label use!  $o, first off, the title and something I am sure I thought up myself, about two or three (or four?? It's been with me so long and I never have it a second thought!) years ago. And yet... And yet.  When froggy went acourting to craft a "brand" (email, blog, freesound account, etc) online, someone had taken it. I say taken. I said taken. Remember that I used that word, "taken".  Was it me? Perhaps. I've no doubt created hundreds of emails and thousands of various and roach-speckled accounts by now. Surely, more that a few forgotten by yours truly. (wow, rattling on like this is quite a blast! One can almost be convinced tha

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Offlabeluse... Me. I am