Welcome to my new blog! Here I will be documenting the...

.... 40-year old juvenalia of my nominally unique life!  As this is a blog, let me go on at some length about myself and sling mud about those I lack the courage to confront in real life and otherwise reward you with jewel-like phrase that you can turn around and use to make yourself sound important, creative and clever!  1) off label use!  $o, first off, the title and something I am sure I thought up myself, about two or three (or four?? It's been with me so long and I never have it a second thought!) years ago. And yet... And yet.  When froggy went acourting to craft a "brand" (email, blog, freesound account, etc) online, someone had taken it. I say taken. I said taken. Remember that I used that word, "taken".  Was it me? Perhaps. I've no doubt created hundreds of emails and thousands of various and roach-speckled accounts by now. Surely, more that a few forgotten by yours truly. (wow, rattling on like this is quite a blast! One can almost be convinced that the world is listening in and that, many decades hence, these words will be poured over "as clues, tidbits and Hanzel-and-Gretelesque crumbs of how you, too, can become an important start person. Ugh.  "As soon as the words left Mr Keyboard, I regretted them. 'Starperson'? How regrettably eager! How desperate for attention and etc etc etc."  Of all the entries to present my mental life to 'the world' (really just one person, reading, at a time, though).  I had to lead with this? Something not even true and certainly am unrepresentative sample of the calmly isolated, calmly hedonistic marginalia that litters the supremely paperback lifestyle I inhabit.  There. That wasn't so bad was it?  If it bites or bores you, try introducing more and /or better *supplements* in your personal, biological, multiverse. Try more drv&s. It's the only way to get through this blog.  https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.b87e74ff7de3aabdd3ff7ed4214ce2b1&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fE2d2tsgz7iHo4%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=nfeCtON0MCghRhhVOWXUZnSN5BEiMVjYGllU3QoJr1M%3d   


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